About US
Meet the founder
Living in rural China comes with its unique set of challenges. Many individuals in these communities face difficulties beyond just education, ranging from limited access to healthcare and employment opportunities to basic infrastructure and services. Thus through our initiative, Rural Aid China, we aim to raise awareness about the challenges faced by individuals in rural areas.
What we do
— We help raise money to support rural areas in China
We identify public charities that help support rural areas in China. Then through this website, we raise money and donate all of it to these charities. We believe that every individual should be able to get high quality resources, and the organization RuralChinaAid is our approach to this goal.
One of the areas that we are raising money for is in the Hubei Province, the funds will be used to help education initiative efforts where there are huge education inequalities especially in rural areas. The funds will be used to support educational materials in classroom, including new computers, windows, and teachers.